Woke up and I feel like shit
I don't remember last night, I'm getting sick of this
I hit the bottle when I got off stage
And got piss drunk stupid and went in a rage
I think I mighta got into a fight
Because my knuckles were bloody and I don't feel alright
I hit the bottom and I don't even care
Some say I'm going to hell but I'm already there
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you
Now I'm full of guilt and shame
I can't point a finger cause theres no one to blame
So I say I'll never do it again
But when the sun goes down, you are my only friend
I'm thinking I am starting to see
I have become everything I never wanted to be
I'm really getting sick of myself
Cause when I look into the mirror, I see somebody else
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
So sick and tired of being sick and tired
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
So sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you
I don't remember last night, I'm getting sick of this
I hit the bottle when I got off stage
And got piss drunk stupid and went in a rage
I think I mighta got into a fight
Because my knuckles were bloody and I don't feel alright
I hit the bottom and I don't even care
Some say I'm going to hell but I'm already there
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you
Now I'm full of guilt and shame
I can't point a finger cause theres no one to blame
So I say I'll never do it again
But when the sun goes down, you are my only friend
I'm thinking I am starting to see
I have become everything I never wanted to be
I'm really getting sick of myself
Cause when I look into the mirror, I see somebody else
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
So sick and tired of being sick and tired
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
So sick and tired of being sick and tired
I wanna be free from this ball and chain and
Be free from this life of pain and
Be free from this ball and chain
I wanna be free from you
Nuo sanoitukset kertovat täydellisesti miltä musta nyt tuntuu. Tulen hulluksi. Tarvitsen jonkin paikan, minne paeta. Haluan kadota. Tänään olen miettinyt pitkästä aikaa paljon itsemurhaa. Mutta en tee sitä. Välitän liikaa. Ihmisten pitäisi välittää enemmän!! Sitten tämä maailma voisi olla paljon parempi paikka.....